Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bibliography Format

Sincoff, Maura, Cathy Rettberg. "MLA Citation Guide." 10 Nov. 2005.
Menlo School Library. 5 March 2009.

Citing an Online Image
Very important! If you are citing an image found in Google Images or any other image retrieval service, be certain to cite the image in its original context. Do not provide the URL of the enlarged image - you must use the URL of the page where the image was originally shown.

* Image creator's last name, first name, if available, or page author's name if available, followed by a period and a space
* Title of photo followed by a period, in quotation marks. If no title, describe briefly within quotation marks.
* Descriptive word (photo, map, cartoon, drawing, etc,) followed by a period and a space
* Website title in italics, followed by a space
* Website publication date in DD Mo. YYYY format followed by a period and a space
* Date image was viewed in DD Mo. YYYY format followed by a space
* Web address in angle brackets, followed by a period

Suzuki, Lea. "Mick Jaggar." Photo. 14 Nov. 2005. 14 Nov. 2005

Citing a Professional Web Page

* Last name, first name, followed by a period and a space
* Title of article followed by a period, in quotation marks
* Date of publication or update followed by a period and a space
* Institution followed by a period and a space
* Date page was viewed in DD Mo. YYYY format followed by a space
* Page address in angle brackets, followed by a period.

Sincoff, Maura, Cathy Rettberg. "MLA Citation Guide." 10 Nov. 2005.
Menlo School Library. 14 Nov. 2005. .

Personal Website or Homepage

* Last name, first name, followed by a period and a space
* Title of website in italics followed by a period anad a space
* Date of publication or update followed by a period and a space
* Date page was viewed in DD Mo. YYYY format followed by a space
* Page address in angle brackets, followed by a period.

Rettberg, Cathy. Julien's Eagle Ceremony. 20 Dec. 2003. 3 Aug. 2004

Citing an Interview

* Last name, first name followed by a period and a space
* Type of interview (personal, telephone, etc.) followed by a period and a space
* Date of interview in DD Mo. YYYY format followed by a period

Colb, Norman. Personal interview. 4 Sept. 2003.

Citing a Book
* Last name, first name, followed by a period and a space
* Title of book in italics, followed by a period and a space
* City of publication, followed by a colon and a space
* Name of publisher, followed by a comma and a space
* Year of publication, followed by a period.

Day, Nancy. Your Travel Guide to Ancient Greece. Minneapolis: Runestone Press, 2001.

Citing a book with multiple authors
List the authors of a book in the same order they are printed on the book. Reverse the name of the first author, insert a comma, then write the remaining names in normal form. If there are more than three authors you may choose to list them all, or to list only the first, followed by et al. (and others).

* Last name, first name, remaining names, followed by a period and a space
* Last name, first name et al., followed by a period and a space
* Title of book in italics, followed by a period and a space
* City of publication, followed by a colon and a space
* Name of publisher, followed by a comma and a space
* Year of publication, followed by a period.

Borden, Sara, Sarah Miller, Alex Stikeleather, Maria Valladares, and Miriam Yelton. Middle
School: How to Deal. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2005.


Borden, Sara, et al. Middle School: How to Deal. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2005.

1 comment:

CathyR said...

I'm doing my bimonthly scan of my online presence, and was surprised to find my citation guidelines on your page! Enjoy - the actual page can be found at under citation.

Cathy Rettberg, Head Librarian, Menlo school