Sunday, March 29, 2009

homework week of 3/30/09

Middle School Language Arts and History Homework
Week of March 30th, 2009

This is a mixture of class work and homework. At the end of the first block class, you will highlight what is for homework.
Packet 2:
• Read “Paul: A Man With a Message” and do the questions (these questions are on the back of last week’s questions).
Packet 1:
• Begin with “The Life of Jesus” on pg. 51, reading and taking notes. Continue reading and taking notes through page 57.

Language Arts
6th Grade
1. Work on final short story drafts.
2. Take home test on Wordly Wise unit 8 to be assigned.

7th Grade
1. Final short story due---Wednesday, April 1. 2009
Remember to include:
• A decorative cover
• A title page, including title, author, date
• A dedication page
• The entire story
• 2 blank pages at the end for comments
NOTE: Your final short story must be turned in with your rough drafts with my comments and your planning sheet.

2. Wordly Wise unit 9 test on Friday, April 3rd.

8th Grade
1. Another poetry assignment will be given out on Monday and due on Friday, April 3rd.
2 Eighth Grade Project:

8th grade project reminder dates:
Monday, March 30th Detailed outline of first half of your report
Thursday, April 2nd Your introduction is due (NOTE: by now, your report should be at least 4 pages. If your first sections were short, make up the difference with this part, even if it means writing more sections)
April 3 – April 13th Spring Break (if you’ve kept up with due dates and requirements you should have very little work writing to do). Begin work on your visual component.

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