Monday, November 2, 2009

homework week of 11/2/09

(Click on the image above to see a large printable JPG image of this week's homework)

Middle School Language Arts and Humanities Homework
Week of Nov. 2nd, 2009
1. Study for the history test this week. The test days have been changed. The test will be on Thursday during language arts for 6th and 8th graders, and on Wed. for 7th graders.
• Complete the study guide by rereading the packet, looking at your maps and looking at the “Questions North and South” sheet. Have someone at home or a friend ask you the questions and you tell them the answers as if they are a story. Learning things by rote without understanding them will not help you. We will re-word many of the questions.
• Take blank maps and fill them in lightly in pencil without looking at your original maps. Then look at your map and make any changes. Erase and try again.
• Look carefully at your timeline. You don’t need to remember actual dates, but you do need to know why things are important. For example, why was the invention of the cotton gin important? What did it mean for the continuation of slavery? How did the invention of factories change the North? Be specific.

2. Bring your Anthony Burns book to class for 2nd block and all language arts classes this week.

Language Arts
Complete the following 2 final assignments on Anthony Burns.

• Choose 1 day from 1 of the “present - 1854” chapters and write a newspaper article about what happened that day. Be sure to include all details, write descriptively, and write from the perspective of a writer in that time period. You may assume that your writer can be in the courtroom, Faneuil Hall, or any other place mentioned in the book. We’ll give you a sample article to help know how to write and present yours.

• Create an art project that explores one of the main themes in the novel. We’ll brainstorm themes in class. Your art project may be a 3 dimensional project (no dioramas), an assemblage, a collage, a drawing (colored pencils or cray pas), a painting, or a sculpture. We’ll look at some examples in class.

Newspaper article is due on Tuesday, November 10th for 6th graders and the art project is due Thursday, Nov. 12th. Other due dates are below.

6th grade:
1. Wordly Wise – We will start Wordly Wise unit 2 in class on Tuesday and it will be due on Friday, November 6. The test on unit 1 will be Tuesday, November 10th.

7th grade :
1. Wordly Wise unit 2 is due Wednesday, Nov. 4th.
2. Test on Wordly Wise units 1 and 2 will be on Friday, Nov. 6th.
3. Final Farm School essay is due Friday, Nov. 6th. You will have time to work on it in class on Wed., Nov. 4th. Bring your travel drives.
3. Complete 2 final assignments on Anthony Burns. Look under 6th grade language arts. Newspaper article is due on Wed., November 11th. Art project is due Friday, November 13th.

8th grade:

3. Complete 2 final assignments on Anthony Burns. Look under 6th grade language arts. Newspaper article is due on Monday, Nov. 9th. Art project is due Friday, November 13th

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