Display Board --- it needs to be freestanding, because it will be on a table.
The goal of the display board is to teach people about your topic. Include:
A title ________________
Your name ________________
TIMELINEA timeline that is related to your topic________________
(For example: a timeline of a person’s life, the timeline of a specific civilization and so on. Your audience needs to know when this took place)
Maps_________________(a minimum of 2---see directions below)
(where did your person, civilization, group live?)
a. a minimum of one of your maps needs to be hand drawn. You may use an already created outline map as a starting point. ( We will help you find one)
b. you need at least one other map---it can be photocopied or downloaded. Be sure that your choice of maps show information both “close up” and views that show your information from a continent or larger perspective.
Illustrations ________________(a minimum of 5 )
Captions________________ (explain your maps, timelines and illustrations)
3 Dimensional Project Requirements
The 3 dimensional project is another part of teaching people about your topic and drawing their interest to your display.
1. It may be art based, such as a sculpture, a scene, or a replica of an artifact from the period of time or place. There are many other ideas as well. Some examples include a sculpture of a person, a scene showing life in a particular place or time period, a replica of a shield, pottery or some other object that might have importance in your topic.
2. A demonstration of something: For example, someone studying writing might want to demonstrate the different types of materials on which people wrote.
3. An interactive project: For example, create a game that teaches people about your topic. Think about the many kinds of displays you see in museums for ideas.
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