Name ________________________ March 3, 2009
Making Your Comic of Jewish History
This assignment is the equivalent of a test on the history of Judaism. Work carefully and thoroughly.
You will be telling the major events of early Jewish history in comic book form event. Each frame or page must be illustrated and have enough caption to tell the important parts of the event. Be creative and make something fun and interesting to read.
For each event be sure you include all the important information:
* who was involved
* when it took place
* where it took place
* what happened
To do a really thorough job, you will need to check your notes and possibly reread some of the reading.
1) The Patriarchs
Abraham, the first Patriarch, is born in the city of Ur.
He makes a covenant with God.
Abraham and his tribe travel to the land of Canaan
God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac
Isaac has a son, Jacob. Jacob, 11 of Jacob’s 12 sons and the son’s of Joseph are all Patriarchs.
To tell this story of Abraham and the Patriarchs, you can reread “Abraham the Patriarch” and the section called “The Patriarchs”.
It should contain at least 5 frames or sections. Include a map of the journey to Canaan.
2) The Exodus --- sometime around 1290 – 1224 BCE
Moses is born in Egypt
He leads his people, the Hebrews out of Egypt where they had been enslaved for 400 years.
Moses goes to Mt Sinai, the story of the Burning Bush.
He returns to Egypt and the Pharaoh refuses to let his people go – the ten plagues
The final plague – killing of the first born – the story of Passover
Wandering in the wilderness and receiving the Ten Commandments
Finally, the Hebrews return to the land of Canaan
Make at least five frames or sections for this story.
3) The Conquest
The Hebrews conquer the inhabitants of Canaan and become the most powerful group in Canaan. – explain the changes that come during this period.
Make as many frames or sections as you need to tell the story.
4) Period of the Judges – 1200 – 1020 BCE
This is the time when the Judges are the leaders of he Israelites.
Make as many frames or sections as you need.
5) United Monarchy
Rule of Saul and the Judge Samuel - the battle with the Philistines –
1020 – 1000 BCE
Rule of David – 1000 – 961 BCE --- many things about David belong in this section. Choose the ones you feel are most important.
Rule of Solomon 961 – 922 BCE --- flowering of Israelite prosperity and culture – building of the temple – more about his reign and personality
Make as many frames or sections as you need to tell the story.
6) Divided Monarchy
Israel splits into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah, after Solomon’s death
*Throughout this period, neither Israel nor Judah ever became as strong or wealthy as the united kingdom under Solomon’s reign.
*The two kingdoms interacted with a number of city-states (Phoenician, Philistine,
and Aramaean)
*Sometimes Judah and Israel were allies and sometimes enemies.
*The stories of the kings of Israel and Judah in the Bible from this time are written from the point of view of Judah. Therefore, there is a strong anti-Israel perspective.
*Historical sources other than the Bible show that Israel was the more powerful of the 2 kingdoms (amazing what happens with different points of view, isn’t it?)
*Historically, Judah was smaller than Israel and less important.
*The Northern Kingdom of Israel was prosperous and had a big cultural life.
*The Assyrians captured the Northern Kingdom of Israel and its people were forced into exile in 722-21 B.C.E.
*When Israel fell, Judah became a vassal state of Assyria
*In 587 B.C.E. Judah refused to surrender to the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonians destroyed Solomon’s temple and Jerusualem.
*This was the beginning of the Exile and the end of independence for ancient Israel.
*The period of the Divided Monarchy is especially important in the history of Judaism because of the prophets who were active in Israel and Judah.
*The prophets’ ideas focused on the parts of God’s Law that talked about right and wrong and ideas of justice.
Make as many frames or sections as you need to tell the story.
7) The Exile
• The Exile is understood as a time of punishment for the nation’s sins
• By 582 B.C.E., Nebuchadnezzar exiled the political, religious and intellectual leaders of Judah as well as many of its population
• The exiles lived in small villages near Babylon
• They saw that Babylon was richer and more powerful than Jerusalem ever was. This caused them to question Yahweh’s power.
Make as many frames or sections as you need to tell the story.
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