Sunday, April 26, 2009

Christianity test study guide

Christianity Test Study Guide-------April 27, 2009 Name___________________

“Early Christianity” packet (packet 2)
In the article on Jesus the Savior you will need to know:
➢ Jesus was born in_____________in the town of______________________
➢ Why did the family travel to Bethlehem? __________________________
➢ What were Jesus’ teachings? (p. 6)_________________________________
➢ Jesus caused controversy by (list 3)________________________________
In The Earliest Sources of the Christian Church you need to know:
➢ About 30 years after Jesus’ death, Christians realized they would not be able to preach to all the world in their lifetines? What actions did they take to deal with this problem?
➢ What books became the authority for the new Church?
In the article The Spread of Christianity you will need to understand:
➢ Who were the earliest believers of Christianity?
➢ Why did deacons come into being?
➢ Tell the story of the first church council----why it was needed, what it was called, when it took place, and what the results were.
➢ Explain the purpose and rituals of baptism.
“A persecuted Faith Becomes a World Religion” pg. 36 -40
➢ Explain the first mass persecution of the followers of Jesus Christ.
➢ Who was Diocletian and what role did he play in the persecution Christians?
➢ Why do you think the Christians were persecuted?

➢ Who was Constantine and what happened at the Milvian Bridge??
➢ How did this change the persecution of Christians?
➢ What was the relationship of the Roman Gods and the Christian God under Constantine?
Packet #1 “World Religions: Christianity”
➢ What special meaning does the word “resurrection” have for Christians.
➢ Who was Paul? Explain his importance in the spread of Christianity ____________________________________________________________

Everyone needs to know about the first major division in the Christian church - found in Branches of Christianity---pg. 65
➢ When did it occur? _____________________________________________
➢ What were the main reasons for the split/

➢ You will individually roll a die on the game “Paul’s Journeys.” Whichever city you land on you will look up in the Bible in the book of Acts. The object will be to demonstrate that you can use the Bible to find information.In
➢ You will be given a map that shows the area of Paul’s journeys. You will be expected to label Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Alexandria and the Mediterranean Sea.

8th Graders Only need to know the following 3 Questions.
➢ Be able to name at least 3 areas in which Eastern Christianity existed.
➢ Be able to name the capital of the Western church____________________
➢ Who led the Western Christian church?_____________________________
➢ When and what was the Reformation?
➢ _____________________________________________________________
➢ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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