Eighth Grade Project---------2007-08
What is the 8th grade project?
It is a project of your choosing (with our approval). It’s a chance for you to learn more about, and present, a topic that you’ve never had a chance to study in-depth before.
There are two or more parts to the project, depending upon your topic. Your topic may be a community service project, in which case photos and other documentation may be used. However, you still need to research and write a report about the organization, needs etc.
Part One:
****Research and write a report. This will be 10 or more pages, handwritten or word-processed using a common font, such as Times New Roman, size 12 font.
Part Two:
****Present your topic to the Synergy community. This will be an evening in late May. As we talked about in class, you may present your report in a “traditional” way with a poster type display, including illustrations. You may also choose to make a web site, a power point presentation and/or an actual demonstration of your topic.
Tentative beginning timeline (subject to change)
1. Brainstorm topics Thursday, January 17th
2. Finalize your topic Friday, January 18th
3. Have a parent/adult sign this form Thursday, January 24th
4. Develop a list of questions your Thursday, January 24th
report will answer and/or topics you
will cover. (a form will be handed out)
5. Gather and begin reading first source Friday, January 25th
and organize a folder for your work
(your source needs to be approved by
Elena or Tammy)
6. Take notes on first source Friday, February 1st
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Parents---This is for your information. Please sign to indicate that you know about the project and are aware of our first due dates. Your child may need help with a trip to the library and other needs that may arise.
Student’s name_______________________________________________
Parent (guardian) signature______________________________________
1 comment:
thank goodness you had this here i needed it
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